While playing a game, press [Tab] and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Effect | Code |
All buildings in castle | nwconlyamodel |
Instant failure | nwcsirrobin |
Instant win | nwctrojanrabbit |
Extra 35 Archangel | nwcavertingoureyes |
Hero gains Tent, Ballista and Ammo | nwcantioch |
Hero gains Death Knights | nwcfleshwound |
Brighter colors | nwcphisherprice |
Level up for hero | nwcigotbetter |
Maximum luck for hero | nwccastleanthrax |
Unlimited move points for hero | nwccoconuts |
Maximum morale for hero | nwcmuchrejoicing |
Full secret item map | nwcalreadygotone |
Full map | nwcgeneraldirection |
All sources increased | nwcshrubbery |
All magic and 999 spell points | nwctim |