Heroes turn into a special class as soon as he/she gains his/her second skill-level in any skill other than his/her starting skill. Secondary skills count towards this. Example: An Archer (basic Combat, basic Archery) gains basic Scouting If he then gains another level of Scouting or one of Scoutings secondary skills (Pathfinding, Seamanship or Stealth) he turns into a Ranger --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Combat = General = +1 morale to all + Scouting = Field Marshal = +10 % to melee and ranged attack to all + Nobility = Lord Commander = +2 morale to all + Life Magic = Crusader = maximum morale for hero + Order Magic = Illusionist = +20 % to illusion spell effects + Death Magic = Reaver = permanent Bloodlust for hero + Chaos Magic = Pyromancer = permanent Fire Shield for hero + Nature Magic = Warden = +10 % to melee and ranged defense to all --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = General = +1 morale to all + Scouting = Ranger = +5 ranged attack + ranged attack ability for hero + Nobility = Warlord = +5 to melee attack for hero + Life Magic = Paladin = permanent Death Ward for hero + Order Magic = Battle Mage = +20 % on Magic Fist and Ice Bolt spell effects, gains magic fist spell + Death Magic = Assassin = +3 speed and movement for hero + Chaos Magic = Fireguard = immune to fire based spells, half damage from fire based attacks + Nature Magic = Beastmaster = +20 % bonus to Summon Wolf spell for hero --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scouting --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Field Marshal = +10 % to melee and ranged attack to all + Combat = Ranger = +5 ranged attack + ranged attack ability for hero + Nobility = Guildmaster = gains Stun-attack, chance to stun enemy with melee attack + Life Magic = Prophet = permanent Spiritual Armor on hero + Order Magic = Seer = +2 Scouting radius + Death Magic = Ninja = gains poison melee attack (as poison spell) + Chaos Magic = Fire Diviner = +20 % on all fire spell effects + Nature Magic = Bard = maximum luck for hero --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobility --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Lord Commander = +2 morale to all + Combat = Warlord = +5 to melee attack for hero + Scouting = Guildmaster = gains Stun-attack, chance to stun enemy with melee attack + Life Magic = Cardinal = +5 % to resurrection skill + Order Magic = Wizard King = melee attack gives target maximum bad luck + Death Magic = Darklord = melee attack gived target maximum negative morale + Chaos Magic = Witch King = gives hero the Fear ability (keeps opponent from retaliating) + Nature Magic = Beastlord = +20 % on Summon Wolf and Summon White Tiger spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Crusader = maximum morale for hero + Combat = Paladin = permanent Death Ward for hero + Scouting = Prophet = permanent Spiritual Armor on hero + Nobility = Cardinal = +5 % to resurrection skill + Order Magic = Monk = permanent Chaos Ward for hero + Death Magic = Dark Priest = Vampiric melee attack, heals 1 hit point for every 2 damage done + Chaos Magic = Heretic = ignores effects of all wards + Nature Magic = Summoner = +20 experience points to summoning skill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Illusionist = +20 % to illusion spell effects + Combat = Battle Mage = +20 % on Magic Fist and Ice Bolt spell effects, gains magic fist spell + Scouting = Seer = +2 Scouting radius + Nobility = Wizard King = melee attack gives target maximum bad luck + Life Magic = Monk = permanent Chaos Ward for hero + Death Magic = Shadow Mage = permanent Blur for hero + Chaos Magic = Wizard = spells cost 2 spellpoints less to cast for hero + Nature Magic = Enchanter = +20 % to all summon and illusion spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Reaver = permanent Bloodlust for hero + Combat = Assassin = +3 speed and movement for hero + Scouting = Ninja = gains poison melee attack (as poison spell) + Nobility = Darklord = melee attack gived target maximum negative morale + Life Magic = Dark Priest = Vampiric melee attack, heals 1 hit point for every 2 damage done + Order Magic = Shadow Mage = permanent Blur for hero + Chaos Magic = Lich = melee attack ages enemy + Nature Magic = Demonologist = +50 to all demon summoning spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Pyromancer = permanent Fire Shield for hero + Combat = Fireguard = immune to fire based spells, half damage from fire based attacks + Scouting = Fire Diviner = +20 % on all fire spell effects + Nobility = Witch King = gives hero the Fear ability (keeps opponent from retaliating) + Life Magic = Heretic = ignores effects of all wards + Order Magic = Wizard = spells cost 2 spellpoints less to cast for hero + Death Magic = Lich = melee attack ages enemy + Nature Magic = Warlock = +10 spellpoints, regenerate 1 extra spellpoint per day --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nature Magic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Tactics = Warden = +10 % to melee and ranged defense to all + Combat = Beastmaster = +20 % bonus to Summon Wolf spell for hero + Scouting = Bard = maximum luck for hero + Nobility = Beastlord = +20 % on Summon Wolf and Summon White Tiger spells + Life Magic = Summoner = +20 experience points to summoning skill + Order Magic = Enchanter = +20 % to all summon and illusion spells + Death Magic = Demonologist = +50 to all demon summoning spells + Chaos Magic = Warlock = +10 spellpoints, regenerate 1 extra spellpoint per day --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any hero with two skill-levels in at least three different Magic schools turns into an Archmage Archmages gain +20 % to all spell effects This will override any previous class! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to change a heroes class after the first change. Because the game counts the two higest skill-levels to determine class (AFAIK!)