Type of spells :
Unit Enchantment(+) - operates on friendly units
Unit Enchantment(-) - operates on enemy units
Combat - the spell can only be cast during a battle
Summon - calls a fantastic creature
Combat Summon - calls a fantastic creature in fight
Combat Enchantment - the spell works on the whole battlefield
City Enchantment(+) - improves a friendly city
City Enchantment(-) - worsens an enemy city
Global Enchantment - global enchantment, working on both planes of the world
Special - any special enchantment or spell
Formulas require "mp" (mana points) to cast the spell and are expressed with X-Y/Z :
X - mana required to cast the spell in fight. The spell will dissipate once the battle is finished
Y - mana required to cast the spell outside of fight and then...
...Z - mana required to maintain such a spell
Sometimes, required mana is expressed with X + : it means that the spell can be cast with X mana, but you can add extra mana to strengthen it.
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Warp wood |
Unit Enchantment (-) |
10 |
Destroys arrow and sling ammunitions of the target unit. |
Disrupt |
Special |
15 |
Destroys one section of a City Wall. |
Fire bolt |
Combat |
5 + |
Strikes the enemy with a strength 5 fire attack. Each additional mana spent on it adds +1 strength. |
Hell hounds |
Summon |
40/1 |
Calls four infernal hounds with fire breath. |
Corruption |
Special |
40 |
Deprives a map square of its food production. |
Eldritch weapon |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
15-75/1 |
Decreases the defense of opponents by 10% and neutralizes weapon immunity. |
Wall of Fire |
City Enchantment (+) |
30-150/2 |
Creates a fire wall around the city. Each figure of any non-flying unit which tries to pass through the wall suffers a strength 5 fire attack. |
Shatter |
Unit Enchantment (-) |
12 |
If the unit cannot resist with strength 1, its melee and missile strength are reduced to 1 (does not affect magical ranged attacks). |
Warp creature |
Unit Enchantment (-) |
18 |
If the target unit does not resist with strength 1, this spell either reduces its resistance to magic to 0, or halves its defense, or halves its attacks. |
Fire elemental |
Combat Summon |
20 |
Calls an Elemental of Fire in fight. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Lightning bolt |
Combat |
10 + |
Strikes the enemy with a strength 5 lightning .Each additional mana point spent on it adds +1 strength. When striking, lightnings ignore half of the defense of their target. |
Fire giant |
Summon |
150/3 |
Calls a fire giant having Fire immunity and able to destroy walls. |
Chaos channels |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
50 |
Transforms a normal unit into a chaos creature. It can receive either wings (2 Mvt), or demon-skin armor (+2 defense) or strength 2 fire breath. |
Flame blade |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
25-125/2 |
Transforms the weapons of the unit into fire weapons, adding +2 strength to melee and missile attacks (but nothing to ranged magical attacks). |
Gargoyles |
Summon |
200/5 |
Calls a group of flying Gargoyles, having poison immunity and stoning immunity. |
Fireball |
Combat |
15 + |
Strikes the enemy with a fire sphere. Each figure in the unit suffers a strength 5 fire attack (+1 strength for every 3 extra mana spent to cast the spell). |
Doom bat |
Summon |
300/8 |
Calls a bat having innate immolation. |
Raise volcano |
Special |
200 |
Transforms a map square into a volcano. It cannot be applied on a river, a coast, a hill, a mountain or an ocean square. The volcano provides +1 mana per turn to the caster. If this spell is cast on a city, each building has a 15 % chance of collapsing. Volcanoes have a 2% chance to turn to mountains each turn (with a 5% chance of providing a mineral vein).
Immolation |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
30-150/2 |
Surrounds the target unit with a fire aura that inflicts a strength 4 fire attack on all enemies engaging the immolating unit in melee combat. |
Chimeras |
Summon |
350/10 |
Calls a group of flying chimeras having fire breath. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Warp lightning |
Combat |
35 |
Strikes the enemy unit with a consecutive series of lightnings, whose strength falls from 10 to 1. |
Metal fires |
Combat Enchantment |
40 |
Bestows a reduced strength Flame Blade on all normal units, increasing their melee and missile attack strength by 1 and allowing them to inflict damage on units with Weapon Immunity. |
Chaos spawn |
Summon |
500/12 |
Calls a chaos creature which has three killing sights : doom gaze (4 obligatory damages), death gaze (destroys every figure unable to resist with strength 4), stoning gaze (paralyzes every figure unable to resist with strength 4) and a poisonous sting of the same strength. With magic immunity and invisibility, it becomes a killing machine able to destroy almost all usual units in hand-to-hand. Magic immunity does not protect against doom gaze ! |
Doom bolt |
Combat |
40 |
Strikes the enemy with a magical arrow of destruction. It removes 10 hits, ignoring defense and resistance. |
Magic vortex |
Special |
50 |
Calls a magical whirlwind which makes 3 random and one controlled movement on the battlefield. Any unit in the path of the vortex take 5 hits regardless of defense. In addition, each time the vortex moves, adjacent units may be struck by lightning bolts. A magic vortex does terrible damage to a city that it moves through. |
Efreet |
Summon |
550/15 |
Calls an Efreet, having 20 mp and Fire immunity. |
Fire storm |
Special |
250 |
Creates a fire storm in a map square (that may be a city), striking every unit with a strength 8 fire attack. |
Warp reality |
Combat Enchantment |
50 |
All non-chaos creatures receive -2 to Hit. |
Flame strike |
Combat |
60 |
Calls huge fire columns which strike all enemy units with a strength 15 fire attack. |
Chaos rift |
City Enchantment (-) |
300/10 |
Opens a Chaos gate above an enemy city. Each turn, the garrison is attacked by strength 8 lightnings and structures have a 5% probability of collapsing. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Hydra |
Summon |
650/14 |
Calls a 9-headed hydra having regeneration and strength 5 fire breath. |
Disintegrate |
Combat |
60 |
If the target has a resistance of less than 10 it is instantly and irrevocably destroyed (nothing can resurrect it). |
Call Chaos |
Combat |
75 |
Casts on every enemy unit one of the following spells : nothing, healing, fire bolt (strength 15), doom bolt, disintegrate, warp lightning or chaos channels. |
Call the Void |
City Special |
500 |
Brings down a black hole on an enemy city. It has 50% chances to destroy a building, kills inhabitants and operates Doom Bolt on each garrison unit. It also covers the nearby grounds with corruption. This spell has no effect on cities with less than 1000 inhabitants. |
Meteor storm |
Global Enchantment |
900/10 |
Calls a worldwide meteoric rain to strike armies outside of cities with strength 4 magic attacks. Buildings in all enemy cities have a 1% probability of collapsing. |
Great wasting |
Global Enchantment |
1000/20 |
3 to 6 map squares become corrupted each turn. |
Chaos surge |
Global Enchantment |
1000/40 |
Chaos creatures receive +2 strength in melee, missile, fire breath and magical ranged attacks. |
Doom mastery |
Global Enchantment |
1100/15 |
All new units are created with Chaos Channels cast on them. |
Great drake |
Summon |
900/30 |
Calls a big dragon with a very powerful strength 30 fire breath. |
Armageddon |
Global Enchantment |
1250/40 |
New volcanoes will appear each turn on both planes of the world. The casting wizard gains +1 mana per turn from each new volcano created (as if casting Raise Volcano each turn). |
Flaming (+3 attack), Lightning (armor-piercing), Doom (ignores defense), Destruction (resist or be destroyed)
Flaming (+3 attack), Lightning (armor-piercing), Doom (ignores defense), Destruction (resist or be destroyed)
Flaming (+3 attack), Lightning (armor-piercing), Doom (ignores defense), Destruction (resist or be destroyed)