Type of spells :
Unit Enchantment(+) - operates on friendly units
Unit Enchantment(-) - operates on enemy units
Combat - the spell can only be cast during a battle
Summon - calls a fantastic creature
Combat Summon - calls a fantastic creature in fight
Combat Enchantment - the spell works on the whole battlefield
City Enchantment(+) - improves a friendly city
City Enchantment(-) - worsens an enemy city
Global Enchantment - global enchantment, working on both planes of the world
Special - any special enchantment or spell
Formulas require "mp" (mana points) to cast the spell and are expressed with X-Y/Z :
X - mana required to cast the spell in fight. The spell will dissipate once the battle is finished
Y - mana required to cast the spell outside of fight and then...
...Z - mana required to maintain such a spell
Sometimes, required mana is expressed with X + : it means that the spell can be cast with X mana, but you can add extra mana to strengthen it.
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Bless |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
8-40/1 |
Gives +3 resistance and +3 defense against chaos and death. |
Star Fire |
Combat |
5 |
Harms death and chaos creatures (including units under chaos channels or death channels) with a strength 15 magical orb. |
Endurance |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
30/1 |
Increases the movement of the target unit by 1. |
Holy Weapon |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
10-50/1 |
Gives +1 to Hit and neutralizes weapon immunity effects. |
Healing |
Special |
15 |
Heals 5 hits of the target unit. |
Holy Armor |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
18-90/2 |
Gives +2 defense to the target unit. |
Just Cause |
Global Enchantment |
150/3 |
Increases the wizard's Fame by 10 points. In addition, reduces unrest in cities (unfortunately, the exact formula is not known). |
True Light |
Combat Enchantment |
20 |
Creatures of Death receive -1 attack, -1 defense and -1 resistance. Creatures of life receive +1 in the same properties. |
Guardian Spirit |
Summon |
80/1 |
Calls a Guardian Spirit, able to establish a connection between the wizard and a node. To steal a node kept by a Guardian Spirit is harder than when the node is kept by a magic spirit. |
Heroism |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
20-100/2 |
Lifts the rank of a regiment up to its maximum. When soldiers grow up to this rank, the spell disappears. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
True Sight |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
20-100/2 |
Gives the target unit immunity to illusions and allows it to shoot at invisible enemies. |
Plane Shift |
Special |
125 |
Transports the target stack of units on the other plane of the world. If the arrival zone is improper (there are armies or one of the units cannot move on the specified map square), the stack does not move on the other plane. |
Resurrection |
Special |
250 |
Revives a hero from the dead. It is impossible to return a hero killed by cracks call or disintegrate. |
Dispel Evil |
Combat |
25 |
Strikes on chaos and death creatures. Every figure should resist with strength 4 or die. Undead creatures should resist with strength 10 !
WARNING! BUG! Do not look at the description written on magic creatures. |
Planar Seal |
Global Enchantment |
500/5 |
Closes ALL paths between planes of the world. Magic towers and planar shift do not work, units with planar travel cannot move. Only Word of recall from sorcery works in such conditions. |
Unicorns |
Summon |
250/5 |
Calls unicorns, able to teleport on a battlefield, immune to poison and giving a resistance bonus to all friendly units in fight. |
Raise dead |
Special |
35 |
Revives a victim from the dead during a fight with half its normal (not magic) figures. Units consisting of 1 figure come back with half of their health. Does not operate on units killed by cracks call or disintegrate. |
Planar Travel |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
150/5 |
Gives to a unit the ability to shift between both planes of Arcanus and Myrror. Planar travel requires a proper terrain on the other plane. |
Heavenly Light |
City Enchantment (+) |
150/2 |
All battles in the target city will take place under True Light cover. |
Prayer |
Combat Enchantment |
30 |
Increases the chances of defense and attack by 1. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Lionheart |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
40-200/4 |
Gives +3 attacks(swords), +1 resistance and +1 heart to the target unit. |
Incarnation |
Summon |
500/12 |
Calls the hero Torin the Chosen. He can only be called once at a time. It is impossible to apply spells for usual units on him in fight, but they can be applied outside of fight. Resurrection does not operate on him either, but in case of death he can be recalled by Incarnation again (thus his level will be reset). |
Invulnerability |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
40-300/5 |
The target unit gains weapon immunity and negates the first 2 blows in combat. |
Righteousness |
Unit Enchantment (+) |
40-200/2 |
The target unit receives full protection from chaos and death spells, including from attacks of magicians (! but not priests and shamans !). |
Prosperity |
City Enchantment |
250/2 |
Gold feedback from the target city is increased by 50%. |
Altar of Battle |
City Enchantment |
300/5 |
All the units made in the target city start with the maximum rank. |
Angel |
Summon |
550/15 |
Calls an angel who raises all the friendly units' characteristics by 1. The angel has Illusions immunity and
each impact of an angel has a Dispel evil effect on the attacked unit. |
Stream of Life |
City Enchantment |
300/8 |
In the target city, growth rate is doubled and unrest is removed. |
Mass Healing |
Special |
50 |
All friendly units recover 5 hits (hearts). |
Holy word |
Combat |
60 |
All fantastic or undead creatures should resist with strength 2 or be thrown out of the world. Undead creatures have additional chances of destruction. |
Spell | Type | Cost | Action |
Holy Arms |
Global Enchantment |
900/10 |
All weapons of friendly soldiers become permanently blessed as Holy Weapons. |
Tranquility |
Global Enchantment |
1000/10 |
Tries to prevent all chaos spells, requiring them to resist the forces of life as if a strong Disjunction--strength 500--had just been cast. |
Crusade |
Global Enchantment |
1100/10 |
Increases by 1 level the rank of all soldiers, enabling them to become Ultra-elite without using the Warlord retort. If Warlord is already enabled, the maximum level of usual armies becomes Champion. |
Arch Angel |
Summon |
950/20 |
Calls an archangel having 40 mp, and knowing magic of life. It has Illusions immunity and raises characteristics of all friendly units in fight by 2. If he stands in a city, this city becomes protected from Chaos and Death spells. |
Consecration |
City Enchantment |
400/8 |
The target city gains full protection from Chaos and Death spells. |
High Prayer |
Combat Enchantment |
60 |
Adds +2 attacks, +2 defense and +3 resistance to all friendly units in battle. |
Astral Gate |
City Enchantment |
350/5 |
Opens a gate to the other plane in the target city. There should be a proper terrain on the other side for the gate to work. |
Inspiration |
City Enchantment |
350/2 |
Increases the production of a city by 50%. |
Life Force |
Global Enchantment |
1000/10 |
All non-combat Death spells cast must resist against Life Force as if a strength 500 Dispel Magic had been cast. |
Charm of Life |
Global Enchantment |
1250/10 |
Adds +25% hits (hearts) to all units (a minimum of one heart). |
Holy Avenger ( bless and dispel evil hand-to-hand attack)
Planar Travel
True Sight, Bless, Righteousness, Invulnerability, Endurance, Planar Travel, Lionheart
Bless, Righteousness, Invulnerability, Endurance |