Type of spells : Unit Enchantment(+) - operates on friendly units Unit Enchantment(-) - operates on enemy units Combat - the spell can only be cast during a battle Summon - calls a fantastic creature Combat Summon - calls a fantastic creature in fight Combat Enchantment - the spell works on the whole battlefield City Enchantment(+) - improves a friendly city City Enchantment(-) - worsens an enemy city Global Enchantment - global enchantment, working on both planes of the world Special - any special enchantment or spell Formulas require "mp" (mana points) to cast the spell and are expressed with X-Y/Z : X - mana required to cast the spell in fight. The spell will dissipate once the battle is finished Y - mana required to cast the spell outside of fight and then... ...Z - mana required to maintain such a spell Sometimes, required mana is expressed with X + : it means that the spell can be cast with X mana, but you can add extra mana to strengthen it.